J. Jorgic 43 months ago
Based on our experience, you should think twice before proceeding with Movu. At the first sight, it looks profesional, they'll even send assesor to visit you and then you'll be given a choice of five companies from which you can pick the best - as we did - based on reviews. At this point reality will kick in - the selected company may not be at all able to move you and will offload the task to any random person willing to join them for a day. In our case, they even reneted 'hire me' truck to do our move, without cages, partitioning or even enough covers to protect the furniture. We explicitly paid for disassembly of the furniture and removal of the lamps. The disassembly was too much for the movers (Kaya Reinigung GmbH) so they just helped themselves with our brown tape that we used to pack the boxes and taped moving parts without any protection. If you look at the photos below, that Zebra-look, is the direct outcome of that idea. That there were people (to whom the two other, more experienced, movers refered as 'neue Leute') who never moved anything was very clear from the fact that many boxes were unloaded upside down, inlcuding those that had arrows pointing up! In short, they destroyed a lot of our furniture, scratched/dented parquet floor, had no expereince nor the right equipment for the job. We had to insisit on everything and most of our requests were ignored, like to dismantle the glass front from the low-board. When they broke it, they offered us 50CHF not to report it. When it was pointed out that the cost of that Reseda low-board is about 2500chf, they commented with rolling eyes. To be fair to Movu, they were listenting to our calls from the middle of the move crying for help, but nothing improved. We are still waiting on the explanation how could it go so badly wrong. We are entering the conversation with the insurance now - i can't comment on them as yet, but the fact that there was a muzak during the first call that lasted over 40 min and that the person who picked up the phone was reluctant to share her name are not encouraging signs.
Update 1: There was a call from MOVU 'passing the goodwill' from the moving company offering 200CHF and asked if I could remove the review from google. To put this into perspective, just to fix the floor we were qouted 500-1000CHF.
Update 2: While MOVU prominently advertises the insurance from Baloise with the following words "The insurance covers all goods during the move against damage of any kind at replacement value. In other words, if damage occurs the MOVU customer will be paid the replacement value of the damaged goods and not just the current market value." - but in reality they won't pay replacement value for damage of any kind, but will ask you to get the qoutes for repairs. The wording here is at least problematic, at worst misleading. There's also direct link between the insurers and MOVU, Baloise is their owner.
Update 3: The insurance doesn't cover damage to the premisses, so now we have to claim that from the transportation company. At least it's easy to start the court case in Zurich for up to 1000CHF damage.
More soon...