Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH

Laupenstrasse 33, 3008 Bern, Switzerland

Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH is a animal hospital, emergency veterinarian service and veterinarian located in Bern, Switzerland. The average rating of this business is 4.40 out of 5 stars based on 74 reviews. The street address of this business is Laupenstrasse 33, 3008 Bern, Switzerland. Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH is closed on Sunday, and other days it is open from 08:00am to 11:00am.

Where Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH is located at?
Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH is located at Laupenstrasse 33, 3008 Bern, Switzerland.
What is the contact number of Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH?
The contact number of Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH is 031 387 59 59
What is the email address of Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH?
The email address of Kleintierpraxis Laupeneck GmbH is Info [at] laupeneck.ch

1 D. L 31 months ago

Amazingly bad! We brought our beloved cat to solve a problem with teeth and the only available date for cleaning (a not nice inflammation was diagnosed for 5 min that costed us 80 francs!!) was in a... month. I tried to be patient, but two days before the appointment a lady called and announced that their machine is broken and they will contact us asap. I tried to be patient the second time... it took them 3 weeks NOT to call and I called back. What do you think? The machine is up and running, but NOBODY called us. The next available slot is now... in 3 weeks.

DISGUSTING service, avoid the place!

5 Sandra Gonzalez 31 months ago

As I was visiting Bern on vacation I had a little emergency with my pet, I can only express my appreciation to this vet clinic. Everything went smooth and fast. Overall great service, close to downtown Bern. And my fur baby is feeling better. ????

2 Валентин Гунько 67 months ago

Had a visit with the dog in January and payed for the services, tried to ask and clarify multiple times that i payed and covered all the procedures and necessary actions and got the answer every time that 'yes, everything is covered' and after that in more then one month period i got a new bill with extra pay that covers actions that i was asking about during previous visit, it feels like you are in the market with no prices and the owner of the product can extra charge whenever he wants and however he wants wich is not clear and fair. BTW services/pet clinic/doctors were nice, and i don't have to say anything bad about, but the payment 'procedure' and the way it was handled... definitely not ideal

1 Alex 79 months ago

Very unprofessional, I went with my cat who was is critical condition, not eating or drinking for 3 days, vomiting 4-5 times/day, and they give him a painkiller and told to come back after 2-3 days if it's not feeling better. They charged 130 Chf for a painkiller.... Took him immediately to another clinic where they immediately put him on intravenous perfusion and made a full blood test, he was having acute pancreatitis and was close to death. They managed to save him in the end and now he is making good progress in recovering. At Laupeneck they will just rip you off as much money as they can and they will send you home. Very incompetent personal...

5 alex tang 55 months ago

Excellent service! The staff informed us of the expected charges prior to our visit. Best to make an appointment prior to visiting. Would strongly recommend to those looking for an English-speaking vet in Bern.

1 Bianchi Marco 20 months ago

Man sollte meinen das Tierärzte zum wohl des Tieres handeln, hier steht eher das wohl der eigenen Kasse im Vordergrund. So war es vor über 19 Jahren so und so scheint es noch heute zu sein. Teure Röntgen und Ultraschalluntersuchungen sind an der Tagesordnung, Alternativen und Beobachtungen der Tierhalter werden ignoriert oder wissentlich überhört.

5 Fabienne Klibstiel 26 months ago

Super kompetente, liebevolle und einfühlsame Betreuung unserer Katze. Nachdem unser Büsi in einer anderen Praxis - bei einem einfachen Knochenbruch - leider ganz schlecht behandelt wurde, sind wir in die Praxis Laupeneck zu Dr. Müller & Dr. Schenkel, um eine zweite Meinung einzuholen. Die beiden haben die Lage schnell erkannt und gehandelt, sodass unser Büsi nach eineinhalb Monaten nun wieder ein ganz normales Katzenleben hat. Herzlichen Dank für alles, wir sind sehr erleichtert und froh!

5 Lahra Kühni 31 months ago

Wir waren heute zum ersten Mal in Laupeneck für einen Herzultraschall.
Der etwas weitere Anfahrtsweg ~40min hat sich total gelohnt!
Wir sind sehr freundlich empfangen worden und im Untersuchungsraum ist uns alles sehr professionell erklärt worden. Ich fühlte mich ernstgenommen, verstanden und gut beraten.

Ich persönlich merkte, dass es dem Team definitiv um die Gesundheit und ums Wohl des Tieres geht und das Ganze nicht einfach die alltägliche Arbeit ist, die getan werden muss um die Familie zu ernähren.

Da steckt viel Herz dahinter und ich bin überzeugt, dass sich das jeder wünscht, der mit dem geliebten Tier zum Tierarzt muss.
-Ein aufgestelltes Team mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht, offensichtliche Freude am Vierbeiner, liebliche Worte und kompetentes Personal.

Vielen Dank für die tolle Erfahrung!
Business Hours
Monday 08:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday 08:00am - 12:00pm
Wednesday 08:00am - 12:00pm
Thursday 08:00am - 12:00pm
Friday 08:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday 08:00am - 11:00am
Sunday Day off
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