Anushka Kuster 67 months ago
Equipe au TOP !!!
Les personnes ayant commentés plus bas on certainement de la m**** dans les yeux !
Si vous avez peur, que le dentiste n'a jamais été votre tasse de thé, que vous attendez d'avoir mal avant de prendre rendez-vous .. Vous trouverez THE dentiste dans ce cabinet. Je devais enlever mes dents de sagesse (autant dire que c'est effrayant) mais le Dr Billarant a su me mettre en confiance et SURTOUT a réalisé cette intervention SANS DOULEURS oui oui j'ai bien dit SANS DOULEURS alors que je parle d'arracher mes dents. Il m'a tout expliqué, m'a rassuré, on en a même rigolé. L'assistante qui l'a assisté ce jour là était très à l'aise, on voit qu'elle connait parfaitement son métier et les assistantes de la réception aussi. Il règne entre eux une atmosphère très agréable qui vous fait vous sentir bien. Depuis, je le recommande à tout mon entourage et aux gens qui cherchent un bon dentiste. Merci encore à toute l'équipe pour vos bons soins et vos sourire."",5,null,"102687492177050734832",["https://www.google.com/local/review/rap/report?postIdu003dChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURrN2VmVHFRRRAB&entityidu003dChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURrN2VmVHFRRRItChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURrN2VmVGFREhNDZ3dJbmI3NDZBVVFnUGltNEFFGi4KF0NJSE0wb2dLRUlDQWdJRGs3ZWZUNlFFEhNDZ3dJbmI3NDZBVVFnUGltNEFFIhIJqR_4-c6cjkcR9vA43HoZ4aQqE0Nnd0luYjc0NkFVUWdQaW00QUU&wvu003d1&du003d286732320","Flag as inappropriate",null,"0ahUKEwjly7D5xp6AAxVC-DgGHTVbAtYQoykIPSgD"],null,null,"ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURrN2VmVHFRRRAB","0ahUKEwjly7D5xp6AAxVC-DgGHTVbAtYQ4R4IOSgF",[null,[null,2,0,"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AAcHTtcimP0V0vqKnewmTNMcHa3h9vzkF_AU8xXcGxoXaboou003ds120-c-rp-mo-br100","Anushka Kuster","https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102687492177050734832?hlu003den-US",null,0,"https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102687492177050734832?hlu003den-US",null,null,null,["2 reviews",null,null,null,null,[null,"0ahUKEwjly7D5xp6AAxVC-DgGHTVbAtYQ7LoGCDwoAg",1,1]],"102687492177050734832"]],null,null,null,1,0,"https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/datau003d!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURrN2VmVHFRRRAB!2m1!1s0x0:0xa4e1197adc38f0f6!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgIDk7efTqQE%7CCgwInb746AUQgPim4AE%7C?hlu003den-US",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1562255133470,null,null,[0,99],["0","-6565938766258048778"],"fr",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"Team at the TOP!!!
The people who commented below certainly have shit in their eyes!
If you are afraid, that the dentist has never been your cup of tea, that you are waiting for pain before making an appointment .. You will find THE dentist in this office. I had to remove my wisdom teeth (in other words it's scary) but Dr Billarant knew how to put me in confidence and ESPECIALLY carried out this intervention WITHOUT PAIN yes yes I said WITHOUT PAIN when I speak of tearing out my teeth. He explained everything to me, reassured me, we even laughed about it. The assistant who assisted him that day was very comfortable, you can see that she knows her job perfectly and so do the reception assistants. There is a very pleasant atmosphere between them that makes you feel good. Since then, I recommend him to everyone around me and to people looking for a good dentist. Thank you again to the whole team for your good care and your smiles."