Pasta3 GmbH is a bakery located in St Gallen, Switzerland. The average rating of this business is 5.00 out of 5 stars based on 3 reviews. The street address of this business is Helvetiastrasse 47A, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland.
5 Pierre Oster (ROWILUX GMBH) 43 months ago
Kaminfegermeister und Feuerungskontrolleur Adrian Hälg
Helion Bouygues E&S InTec Schweiz AG
ursmenzi Möbel & Innenausbau/Innenarchitektur
Remo Marc Nüesch AG Möbel- und Raumgestaltung
Fachzentrum Zahngesundheit St. Gallen
Physiotherapie Dorothe Hoffmann